14 Books found
Insha Tatu za Kifalsafa
Authors: Julius K. Nyerere
By OLS Admin
Hazina kama hii ya mawazo, fikra na maandishi mahiri ya Mwalimu katika insha, yenye ladha ya kipekee ni nadra sana kupatikana kutoka kwa wanasiasa wa kisasa. Tuna imani kwamba mbali ya kufarijika, kizazi hiki na vizazi vijavyo vitakuwa warithi waaminifu, waadilifu na wabunifu wa lulu hii ya ufahamu na usomi.

Ghettoisation of Basic Research in Higher Education
Authors: Chachage Seithy L. Chachage
By OLS Admin
Ten years ago on 9th July 2016, Tanzania and the world lost a scholar of great depth, an astute researcher, and above all, a committed intellectual. This booklet brings together three of Chachage Seithy L. Chachage’s papers that speak to a burning current question in higher education - that of basic research.

Capitalism, Socialism and Petty Pro BOOK
Authors: Prabhat Patnaik
By OLS Admin
In November 2018, Emeritus Professor Prabhat Patnaik, delivered the annual Nyerere Dialogue Lecture published here. In this lecture, Professor Patnaik discusses the place of petty production in the development trajectory of the countries of the global South.

Barua kwa Mpenzi wangu Azimio
Authors: Prof. Issa Shivji
By OLS Admin
Utungo huu wa Prof. Issa Shivji wa Barua kwa Mpenzi Wangu ni ungamo la mtu ambaye kwa sehemu kubwa ya maisha yake ameamini na kushiriki katika mapambano hayo ya kuwatetea wanyonge. Huyu ni mtu ambaye alilipokea na kulikubali Azimio kuwa ni chombo cha kuleta ukombozi, na katika utungo huu anatudhihirishia kuwa bado anaamini hivyo. Amekataa ‘kugeuka jiwe.’ Usaliti na ‘‘uritadi’’ wa wale waliopokea hatamu za kulitekeleza Azimio haujamkatisha tamaa.
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The Arusha Declaration and TANU's Policy on Socialism and Self-reliance
Authors: Tanganyika African National Union (TANU)
By OLS Admin
The Arusha Declaration is a historical document to come out of Africa in the last century. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration and due to great demand for an English version, Kavazi la Mwalimu Nyerere (Nyerere Resource Centre) was pleased to reprint it.